Ooh la la Kurt Travis Bob Mike
Rock! Songs Tabs Photo Album Guestbook
Wheels Off! At the Movies Poll Thingie Little Smudgie
Smudge Stuff Kurt Travis Mike Bob Everybody
Will you ever forgive us for having the poll down for such a long time?
Hell yes! I love you guys too much to stay mad at you Yeah - I'm a forgiving kinda person Nah - it's unforgivable Hell no! You'll pay for this Ummm ... what the hell are you talking about?
What really happened to the poll?
Travis misplaced them Eric ate them A car drove over them Taken hostage by the Dirty Ikki Chicken King The poll system chewed them up The world may never know Who cares?
What do you think the best smudge song is?
Where's My Pants? Rachel I Would Do Anything Sleep What the Hell? Win at Losing Retarded Again Ross Just A Girl They all kick ass, don't make me choose They all suck ass, don't make me choose
How would you rate the smudge webpage?
sucks ass poor fair good great the best
If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a noise?
yes no I have to consult my lawyer I have to consult my monkey What kind of tree? Who's the idiot that writes these questions, anyway?
Who runs this site anyway?
Eric Travis Other You mean someone actually runs this site?
Boxers or Briefs?
Briefs Free as the wind blows Boxers Panties
Smudge, the best thing since sliced bread, or one just plain weird?
Best since sliced bread Weird Both Neither Allright, who let the idiot loose again?
Now, that didn't hurt did it?
No Yow I'm suing you bastards What the fuck?!? Which llama wrote these questions anyway?
Smudge poll, could we do better?
Yes No Maybe Depends Zzzzzzz
Have you ever dreamed of smudge?
I dream of smudge all the time Occasionally Never I don't dream I don't sleep Stop with all the wack-ass questions
What color is the left column (not the text)?
It's clearly blue - you must be color blind. It's clearly green - you must be color blind. I can't believe you're even asking this I'm color blind... What?
Have you ever smudged under the influence?
Under influence of caffiene Under influence of alcohol Under influence of [insert favoured illegal substance] Smudge is the only drug I need I've never smudged
How often do you visit the smudge site?
At least once an hour At least once a day At least once every couple of days At least once a week Hardly ever This is my first time Where am I again?